Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Invitation to a Bat Mitzvah - and a cuppa tea

It all happened by chance. I had received the invitation from the Stanton family (my first ever to a Bat Mitzvah) and had thought no more of it. But one thing led to another, and finding myself in Manhattan for work, I called Oliver and accepted the invitation. The occasion called for "festive dress" and was clarified to be a suit.

Now for the gift that Smita reminded me I should not forget to take with me. Not knowing anything about Mitzvah traditions (I have been to a Jewish wedding, but that's another story). I did some research and came up with the appropriate gift : cash. How Indian! And there are traditions to determine the amount!

On a beautiful, sunny Saturday, I made my way to the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue on the Upper West Side. This is the first time I am at a Synagogue (and on Shabath, no less!) and am amazed by the building, both outside and inside. It looks very ornate and I sit through the service with a cap on my head and a cloth around my shoulders (you can Google to see what they are called). Alex appears about an hour after I get there and goes through the ceremony. Oliver says that she wrote her Thank You speech herself. All very American. The ceremony consisted of her reading through some prayers and then her speech followed by Oliver.

We repaired to a Kidush lunch downstairs. Some jostling and grabbing of seats took place. I lost the one I had put my book on. Being the polite sort, I ate standing up rather than make a fuss. I don't need to Google this because I was there : the food was mainly salads and cold fish dishes plus fruits and desserts. The Rabbi said something like grace first, following which we swallowed thimble sized glasses of red wine; before fighting for a place in the buffet.

The dinner was simply spectacular. Hosted at the St. Regis on 55th and 5th, it was a teenage birthday party to beat anything I have ever seen. Describing it all would probably make y'all glassy eyed. Lots of thank yous and I love yous in the speeches. All American.

Starting at 7, we got our main course at 10. About 11, I was so tired that I was ready to fall asleep at the table (had walked about 3 miles in the afternoon) when I discovered "Energy Jetlag AM" tea at the back.

Magical. I am a new person in two sips. A new quest begins.

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