Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stuck for words

Its getting on to a couple of months but no inspiration has struck me enough to write about and share with my fans, as they are, out there.

I had the most wonderful birthday day, but that was followed by some intense traveling and activity, which threatens to continue apace. Probably what I need the most is a long holiday at this point in time. Firenze was short, but at least I managed to stay off the email. Now there is a work-in-progress ...

The girls gave me a wonderful album with pictures and writing tips, but I am missing inspiration. To some extent, the ADD that has been afflicting me is to blame. I think I need to find ways to concentrate and focus. Life is not about flitting from one subject to another and, in my view, multi-tasking is an attribute that is vastly over-rated.

So all I am going to do today is leave my footprint on the blog but not really talk about anything. Hope to see y'all again sometime soon with something meaningful!
